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There is an aspect of building Business Intelligence solutions which can’t be replaced. Solution architects must truly understand the data they are working with. DASHbay includes senior technologists from:

  • Mobile Analytics: Nielsen Mobile, the research company whose data and analysis became the definitive voice on mobile communication performance
  • Web technology companies: Epicentric (now part of OpenText), which built award-winning Java/J2EE portal technology; Widgetbox, which innovates in the field of component web applications for mobile devices and computers

For scalability, we partner with a skilled BI technology firm located in Nagpur, India.


We are based in the beautiful city of San Francisco, CA. Our headquarters is located in one of the city’s most vibrant areas at Irving and 9th Ave. Among notable technology companies in the vicinity, Craigslist was incubated just across the street. The area is convenient to public transportation, with the N Train steps away. It’s also a short walk from Golden Gate Park, near the DeYoung Museum and Academy of Sciences building.

Global Headquarters
1360 9th Ave, Suite 201
San Francisco, CA 94122
(415) 320-1158

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